
Home Components CPUs Intel CPUs Intel Pentium MMX 200MHz CPU – SL27J – Socket 7 16KB Cache 66MHz BUS

Intel Pentium MMX 200MHz CPU – SL27J – Socket 7 16KB Cache 66MHz BUS


Intel Pentium MMX 200MHz CPU – SL27J – Socket 7 16KB Cache 66MHz BUS [FREE SHIPPING – USA ONLY]

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This is a used Intel Pentium MMX CPU SL27J in good working condition.

General information – Intel Pentium MMX

Type CPU / Microprocessor
Family Intel Pentium MMX
Part number FV80503200
FV80503200 (embedded)
Frequency (MHz) 200
Bus speed (MHz) 66
Package type PPGA
Socket type Socket 7
Architecture / Microarchitecture / Other
CPUID 0543h
Core stepping xB1
Core voltage (V)  ?  2.8 (2.7 – 2.9)
I/O voltage (V) 3.3

SL27J CPUID information

Intel Pentium MMX 200 SL27J
Part number: FV80503200
Measured Frequency:
Submitted by: Neon

General information

Vendor: GenuineIntel
Processor type: Original OEM Processor
CPUID signature: 543
Family: 5 (05h)
Model: 4 (04h)
Stepping: 3 (03h)

Supported instructions

Instruction set extensions Additional instructions
Integrated features and technologies
Major features Other features
On-chip Floating Point Unit Debugging extensions
Machine check exception
Model-specific registers
Page-size extensions (4MB pages)
Time stamp counter
Virtual 8086-mode enhancements

Architecture / Microarchitecture – SL27J

Microarchitecture P5
Processor core P55C
Core steppings xA3 (Q018, SL26J, SY060)
xB1 (Q124, SL27J)
CPUIDs 543 (Q124, SL27J)
544 (Q018, SL26J, SY060)
2543 (Q124, SL27J)
2544 (Q018, SL26J, SY060)
Manufacturing process 0.35 micron CMOS process, 4.5 million transistors
Data width 32 bit
Data bus width 64 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 16 KB 4-way set associative code cache
16 KB 4-way set associative write-back data cache
Physical memory 4 GB
Multiprocessing Up to 2 processors
Extensions and Technologies MMX instructions
Low power features
  • System Management Mode
  • Clock Control
  • SL power-management features
On-chip peripherals
  • Memory Management Unit
  • Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Min/Recommended/Max V core 2.7V / 2.8V / 2.9V
Min/Recommended/Max V I/O or secondary 3.135V / 3.3V / 3.6V
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature 0°C – 70°C
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation 2.41 Watt (Stop Grant mode) / 7.3 Watt / 18.87 Watt
Thermal Design Power 15.7 Watt

Notes on Intel Pentium MMX 200 MHz

  • Minimum bus frequency is 33 MHz
  • There is a mobile Pentium MMX processor with the same part number. Please use processor specification number to identify the version of the processor.

Additional information

Weight 0.400 lbs
Dimensions 3.000 × 3.000 × 0.500 in

