
Home Components CPUs AMD CPUs AMD K6 2 500AFX 500 MHz Super Socket 7 CPU. 2.2V CORE/3.3v

AMD K6 2 500AFX 500 MHz Super Socket 7 CPU. 2.2V CORE/3.3v


AMD-K6-2-500AFX 500 MHz Super Socket 7 CPU. 2.2V CORE/3.3v [FREE SHIPPING – USA ONLY!]

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SKU: AMD-K6-2/500AFX Categories: , ,


This is a used AMD K6 2 500AFX CPU in good working condition.

General information

Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Desktop
Family AMD K6-2
CPU part number an OEM/tray microprocessor
Frequency 500 MHz
Bus speed 100 MHz
Clock multiplier 5
Package 321-pin ceramic staggered PGA
1.95″ x 1.95″ (4.95 cm x 4.95 cm)
AMD Package number 26351
Socket Super 7
Introduction date 30-Aug-99
Price at introduction $167

Architecture / Microarchitecture – AMD K6 2 500AFX

Microarchitecture K6
Processor core CXT
Manufacturing process 0.25 micron
9.3 million transistors
Data width 32 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 32 KB code with 20 KB pre-decode cache
32 KB writeback data
Physical memory 4 GB
Pipeline 6 stage
  • MMX instructions
  • 3DNow! technology
Low power features
  • Halt state
  • Stop Grant state
  • With Stop Grant Inquire state
  • Stop Clock state

Electrical / Thermal parameters

V core 2.2V ± 0.1V
Min/Recommended/Max V I/O or secondary 3.135V / 3.3V / 3.6V
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature 0°C – 65°C
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation 4 Watt (Stop Clock mode) / 12.45 Watt / 20.75 Watt

CPU ID information for the AMD K6 2 500AFX

Detailed characteristics of processor’s internals, including x86 instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual AMD K6-2 processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in our CPUID decoding algorithm.

Submission details
Manufacturer: AMD Measured frequency:
CPU Family: K6-2 Comment: Chomper CXT 58C A 9937DPAW 26351
Model Number:
Part number (supplied): AMD-K6-2/500AFX Submitted by: Neon
Stepping Code: CWID version: 0.2
General information
Vendor: AuthenticAMD
Processor name (BIOS): AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
Processor type: Original OEM Processor
CPUID signature: 58C
Family: 5 (05h)
Model: 8 (08h)
Stepping: 12 (0Ch)

Additional information

Weight 0.400 lbs
Dimensions 3.000 × 3.000 × 0.500 in

