Create. Design. Code.

It's What We Do!

Data must be utilized in a meaningful way in order to serve the needs of business. It is this philosophy that drives our company to deliver quality solutions that help businesses use their data in ways that are more efficient and productive. We focus on what matters most to your business.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler…​Albert Einstein


UDS will do a complete work and cost analysis of your project...

In Depth Analysis:

Create. Design. Code.

UDS personnel will conduct a thorough in-depth analysis of your requirements and review your existing environment to insure that the project you have in mind is exactly how we understand it.

Our goal is to increase your success. To that end, we will make sure that the project you entrust to us will be understood and acknowledged to your sastisfaction.

At the end of our review and analysis, we will compose and submit to you a detailed prospectus for your project...


UDS has an extensive knowledge base and network of experts...

Thorough Research:

UDS personnel have ready access to a worldwide collection of solutions including a large repository of in-house knowledge covering a wide range of computer topics.

Your success depends on the future and what is effective now and will be years from now. The longer a solution is in place and effective, the greater reduction in costs for that solution, and that translates directly to greater profits!

In today's technologically dependent business environment, companies are tied to specific resources. UDS continually increases its knowledgebase so that our personnel are highly educated on resources that are truly cutting-edge...


UDS will provide state of the art solutions customized for you...

Innovative Solutions:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo da Vinci

Create. Design. Code.

We transform the most complex technology into the simplest, most effective solution for your business needs! Our solutions last for years because we create solutions that scale into the future as your business changes and grows.

We are building relationships and partnerships by implementing solutions for you. Please contact UDS today to see what we can do for you...

About Us

We Create. Design. Code. Specialize in solving your most complex business data needs. From SQL queries and Oracle PL/SQL development to data reporting and loads, we handle all aspects of your data. When your business depends on critical data analysis and reporting, we provide the data solutions you can count on.

Universal Data Systems provides expertise for all business data needs. We provide the fastest and most efficient data services on the planet. We have been working with data for over forty years.

Reporting queries, data consolidations, data extractions, data loads, data migrations, and data manipulation are some of the expert services we provide. If you have data and a need, we can customize a solution that will provide you with fast and efficient access to and use of your data.

For more information select an item below...

Why Choose Us >>>
Where We Are Headed >>>
How You Benefit >>>

We treat your project as something of our own, as something that is personal to us, so that your success becomes our success.

Our Skills

Our skills cover a wide range of areas, from Reporting, Management, and Data Services to IT Services.

UDS Executive Reporting
Executive Reporting 95%
UDS Project Management
Project Management 93%
UDS Risk Management
Risk Management 80%
UDS Management Controls
Management Controls 98%
UDS Data Services
Data Services 95%
UDS IT Services
IT Services 90%

What Client's Say

We needed a system to handle our daily business tasks and UDS provided the perfect web application that not only meets our needs but goes so far beyond in offering us ways of keeping track of our business that we now are able to do in a few hours what previously had taken us weeks to do!​Betty Ferraro
Betty Farraro
Betty Ferraro - Las Vegas, NV
Auditing the expenses of contractors can be a daunting job, especially when you are dealing with hundreds of contractors at one time on a project. UDS created a solution that not only made it easy for us to track each contractor’s work and equipment, but also created reports that helped us save millions in contractor over-charges!Bill Thompson
Bill Thompson
Bill Thompson - Houston, TX
UDS helped boost my ranking on the web searches in just a couple of weeks. I noticed a steady increase in my web traffic over the weeks that followed their initial revisions to my web site. I did not realize that SEO was an ongoing process and not a one time fix. Thanks UDS!​John Humphreys
John Humphreys
John Humphreys - Palm Beach, FL
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Universal Data Systems uds parallel sql report 493x414 1
"UDS created parallel SQL reports against a Legacy COBOL MIS with metrics reports for our sales team's proof-of-concept. The project was an great success!" - DM (San Francisco, CA) UDS proved that the company's concept provided greatly improved performance and reduced the overall computer costs as well as significantly improved the company's employee report writing efforts.
Don Miller
Parallel SQL Reports
November 17, 2015
Universal Data Systems uds on site sql classes 200x244 1
"UDS personnel conducted on-site SQL classes of 20+ students each which greatly increased our employee's ability to better understand raw data and view it as useful information. This translated into greater productivity from our workers!." - JS (Seattle, WA) UDS provided an increased level of business knowledge so that workers could reach higher levels of output without the need for intermediary report writers.
Joyce Steele
On-Site SQL Classes
September 14, 2017
Universal Data Systems uds web b2b process 246x267 1
"UDS developed an inventory control system to transfer data between our business locations and our suppliers to maintain our daily changing inventory. Current ample inventory is critical to our business success, and UDS made the process so efficient I now have more time for my family!" - BC (Los Angeles, CA) UDS has created numerous processes to help businesses move data across the Internet to their vendors, clients, and suppliers. When sharing business data can drive the success of your business it's important to have the right processes in place to actualize those important data transfers. Let UDS handle your data needs...
Brian Chapman
Web B2B Processes
May 07, 2015
Universal Data Systems uds osha forms reports 227x201 1
"UDS developed a complete OSHA input form for our Risk Management System along with several reports that made our job so much easier. We were very pleased with the package they created for us." - JT (San Rafael, CA) UDS has developed many Risk processes and systems for companies. The OSHA data collection and reporting is an extremely important part of Risk Management for many companies. Call us to today to find out how we can help...
John Turner
OSHA Forms & Reports
February 07, 2017
Universal Data Systems uds payroll extract load 271x270 1
"Our payroll data needed to be integrated into our claims system and UDS provided the solution to take our text files and load them into an Oracle database. They automated the process wihch significantly reduced the amount of work we had to do each month!" - DG (Palo Alto, CA) UDS provided a system to poll a server for a payroll file extract, then take that file, parse it, and load it into an Oracle database to update employee records in an in-house claims management system. The process utilized some of the Oracle external file features and load capabilities to parse and flag problem records while loading the valid ones. This process helped the client save time each month on a process that was done manually before this.
Doug Grinnell
Payroll Extract/Load
March 03, 2011
Universal Data Systems uds due diligence 425x425 1
"UDS worked with our multi-VP team on the sale of our Custody and Trust Services business. In a nutshell, it was a huge success!" - WS (San Francisco, CA) UDS fulfilled the buyer's due-diligence reporting requests under strict government regulatory deadlines, successfully completing the sale.
Walter Sturm
Due Diligence Reports
April 23, 2019
Universal Data Systems uds news dissemination system 392x330 1
"UDS architected and developed a company news dissemination system targeting 60k+ employees at all business levels. The system replaced our paper-memo distribution which saved our company money on paper costs and reduced our interdepartmental communication time." - CT (Richmond, CA) UDS was responsible for CEO advocacy mailings to 160k+ consituents which furthered the company's industry position, in addition to standardizing and automating previously manually run budgeting spreadsheet collection with departmental rollups for review by senior officers. This system increased management's budgetary oversight with no effort from intermediary managers to run updates.
Carl Tisch
News Dissemination System
September 03, 2010
Universal Data Systems uds it support 400x400 1
"UDS provided onsite and offsite IT support which has been a life-saving experience for us. As our business grew our IT demands expanded and UDS provided everything we needed to function!" - TS (Washington, D.C.) UDS provided extensive IT support and equipment for this non-profit business when their needs grew beyond a small group to a multi-million dollar organization. UDS built their network infrastructure and provided on-going support.
Tracy Smith
IT Support
October 14, 2011
Universal Data Systems uds ms sql process 202x169 1
"UDS developed a series of SQL Server processes to schedule and load external data from an outside source directly into our SQL database. It saved us a lot of time for a process that we had been doing manually." - TM (Phoenix, AZ) UDS has worked with Microsoft products for over two decades and continues to develop processes and packages for data manupulation on SQL Server. We have thorough knowledge of performance tuning SQL Server as well. Call us to today to discuss your SQL Server needs...
Tom Martin
MS SQL Processes
February 19, 2009
Universal Data Systems uds oracle reports 400x400 1
"When we needed several Oracle Reports UDS came through for us with a resource who not only completed our reports on time but also revise some of our older reports to run faster! We were quite impressed." - PS (Seattle, WA) UDS has an extensive background writing Oracle Reports, Discoverer Reports, and Web reports utilizing Oracle tools as well as third party tools. In addition, UDS has done extensive reports using Crystal Report Writer and the IBM Cognos Report System. Call us to discuss your reporting needs today...
Patty Seidel
Oracle Reports
October 25, 2011
Universal Data Systems uds dashboards 256x256 1
"UDS developed an extensive dashboard for us to use with our client base. It was customizable and spontaneous in its presentation to our users. One requirement was that it had to meet SAS 70 security and UDS made it happen!" - RH (San Francisco, CA) UDS was developing dashboards before they were called dashboard! A good dashboard can be the most helpful page for any executive. To some it is a vital way to monitor the daily pulse of their business.
Rich Herdon
April 14, 2018
Universal Data Systems uds eis charts graphs 465x461 1
"UDS created a set of charts and graphs from a set of complex Oracle queries that displays detailed statistics on all our departments and divisions. We use these tools daily to control our costs and production levels. They have become indispensible for our business!" - SM (Century City, CA) UDS has developed such systems of executive charts and graphs, including real-time monitoring of specific events, such as temperature and pressures in the oil industry to minute financial data changes in the financial sector.
Stuart Martin
EIS Charts & Graphs
July 09, 2013
Universal Data Systems uds web cms design 354×323
"UDS created a simple CMS system so that I could updated my web pages without any complex process. I am now able to revise my web site the way I want and it's so easy my young daughter could do it! Thanks UDS..." - SC (Italy) UDS has developed many CMS systems for small businesses and artists to help them maintain their web presence and provide a simple to use system. We work to provide you with tools that work the way you do, so you don't have to relearn how to do what you already know! Contact UDS today to find out how we can help you maintain your web site...
Stefano Cellini
Web CMS Design
June 22, 2016
Universal Data Systems uds time attendance system 250x250 1
"Auditing the expenses of contractors can be a daunting job, especially when you are dealing with hundreds of contractors at one time on a project. UDS created a solution that not only made it easy for us to track each contractor's work and equipment, but also created reports that helped us save millions in contractor over-charges!" - BT (Houston, TX)    UDS developed a system to track time/attendance, materials, and equipment for hundreds of contractors working in the oil industry. The system utilizes proximity card readers and rf technology to track people, materials, and equipment for a project. The system has flagged millions of dollars in contractor over-charges since its inception.
Bill Thompson
Time & Attendance System
June 10, 2012
Universal Data Systems uds data migration 500x500 1
UDS designed and developed system mapping metadata for database tables, fields, and user forms that enabled the implementation of our clients on a new Client/Server system that was based on each client's particular database structure and reporting needs! We could not have done this without UDS!" - RR (San Francisco, CA) UDS not only provided the data migration means, but also wrote exhaustive system documentation for the account service, technical, and production support staff. The overall effect of this effort dramatically reduced the support requests.
Ralph Robinson
Data Migration
March 22, 2015
Universal Data Systems uds web app 296x285 1
"We needed a system to handle our daily business tasks and UDS provided the perfect web application that not only meets our needs but goes so far beyond in offering us ways of keeping track of our business that we now are able to do in a few hours what previously had taken us weeks to do!" - BF (Las Vegas, NV) UDS has developed many web applications for businesses to help them perform portions or all of their work depending on their circumstances. Contact us to find out how we can make your business more successful...
Betty Ferraro
Web Applications
July 07, 2018
Universal Data Systems uds metadata mapping system 495x416 1
"UDS worked with our S/A/P conversion team in developing an intermediary metadata mapping system for our legacy accounting data into our new S/A/P system.!" - PL (Richmond, CA)    UDS provided the means for managers, accountants, and programmers to complete a major conversion from a legacy accounting system to a modern S/A/P system.
Paul Ludwig
MetaData Mapping System
October 02, 2014
Universal Data Systems uds claim intake system 200x200 1
"UDS developed a call center application that connected to our data center and provided us with an intake system that cut our turn-around time from several days to a few hours! It was truly amazing." - TC (Salt Lake City, UT) UDS developed an intake system which was operated by a call center to function as the first response in a claim managerment process for a national food retailer. This system consolidated numerous disparate systems into a single homogenous process that saved millions in legal actions on claims that escalated due to poor management. The system utilized a direct link from the call center to the food retailer's national data center. The program was so intuitive that the call center operators needed only an hour of training to be up and running.
Tim Curran
Claim Intake System
March 11, 2014
Universal Data Systems uds allocation system 300x300 1
"We needed a system to pull our legal payments out of our local PC database, transfer them to our mainframe accounting data across the country, then have a check processed and that data returned to us so we could update our local records. UDS provided us with a solution that worked seemlessly!" - PF. (Oakland, CA)    UDS Delveloped a system to extract the legal allocation payments for asbestos claims from the local MS SQL Server database, transform them to fortran records, transfer them directly to a mainframe system across the country to then be processed by the corporate accounting system. The local process then polled the mainframe for a response to retrieve the check numbers from the mainframe system and update the records in the local MS SQL Server database.
Pat Franco
Allocation System
August 23, 2012
Universal Data Systems uds web seo 400x400 1
"UDS helped boost my ranking on the web searches in just a couple of weeks. I noticed a steady increase in my web traffic over the weeks that followed their initial revisions to my web site. I didn't realize that SEO was an ongoing process and not a one time 'fix.' Thanks UDS!" JH - (Palm Beach, FL) UDS has been doing SEO for over 15 years and we have developed a specific set of processes which maximize a web sites ranking on the various search providers. Our methods provide a high success rate for all the search providers because we know how to property structure page meta data, content, and back links. Contact us today to find out how we can help boost your rankings...
John Humphreys
November 08, 2019


Universal Data Systems

Create. Design. Code.


Address: 3540 W. Sahara Ave, Suite 1230, Las Vegas, NV 89102
Telephone: (702) 690-9915
E-mail:  UDS Information

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